Congratulations to Graduates of our Winter/Spring 2021 SEL Academy 2.0

In March 2021, practitioners from PSELI Phase 1 and Phase 2 OST sites completed the eight-part SEL Academy Series – clocking 24 hours of learning, practicing and implementing adult SEL self-care and mindfulness practices, climate and culture strategies, Afternoon Meeting and explicit instruction lessons, trauma-sensitive, inclusive and culturally responsive SEL practices that build equitable and resilient learning environments for youth and adults. Some highlights from participants are below.

Since the trauma training I implemented a safe space for afterschool staff (pictured above). I have the ability to sanitize this area thanks to fabric sanitizer that I came across.”

Megan Garner, Afterschool Director, Phase 1 OST Program.

With my staff at my program, I’ve began to implement Afternoon Meeting before each day starts. To start off Afternoon Meeting, we begin with a Question of the Day (pictured above) and we try to always make is SEL related. My staff seem to really enjoy it. It also gives us a way to get to know each other a little more each day.

Gabriella Castillo, Afterschool Director, Phase 2 OST Program

This week I tried to increase my growth mindset and use a positive outlook throughout the week. I’ve been struggling to have a positive outlook on certain things in my life. This week, I actively tried to have a more positive outlook. It helped in certain areas and I found myself not feeling as overwhelmed as I had the previous week. I’m going to try to keep trying to have the same mindset throughout the next few weeks and see what changes follow.

Lily Graves, Afterschool Practitioner, Phase 2 OST Program