
Powered by Youth Voice: Future Directions for Afterschool Survey Report

Publishing Organization: Informed Change and Hamai Consulting, 2024

This initiative aimed to authentically engage young people in the design of afterschool programs and the direction of the field through ideas for systems change. This project centered youth voice, youth leadership, and youth philanthropy to advance new directions for the afterschool field through empowering young people as creators and designers of future afterschool programs. To better understand the current state of afterschool programs and what youth wanted for the future, Powered by Youth Voice engaged two leading research firms, Informed Change and Hamai Consulting, to lead the design and development of a national youth survey and listening sessions.



Impact and Interest in Education
Degree Pathways

Publishing Organization: Prime Time Palm Beach County, 2024

Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc. offers a variety of educational supports to the out-of-school time (OST) field. These include degree programs, college credits, and certificate courses. To assess the effectiveness of these resources, Prime Time conducted an Impact Survey. The results indicate thatthese educational offerings significantly enhance participant skills and promote retention, with respondents expressing high levels of interest and customer delight. In this report, we delve into the insightful responses related to college certificates and degree pathways uncovering valuable perspectives and trends within Palm Beach County OST programs.


Charles Smith, Ph.D., Stefania Gianella, Ph.D.

Prime Time Palm Beach County


Six Year Trends in Customer Satisfaction

Publishing Organization: Prime Time Palm Beach County

A brief presenting a data series over six years (2018-2024) for five domains of Prime Time’s performance: Overall Satisfaction, Importance of Prime Time’s Services for Career Advancement, Importance of Prime Time’s Services for Child Engagement in OST Programs, Important of Prime Time’s Services for OST Program Quality, and Satisfaction with Prime Time’s Communications to OST Programs.


Charles Smith, Ph.D., Stefania Gianella, Ph.D.
Prime Time Palm Beach County


Skills for Success: Developing Social and Emotional Competencies in Out-of-School-Time Programs

Publishing Organization: RAND Corporation



Jennifer T. Leschitz, Susannah Faxon-Mills, Andrea Prado Tuma, et al.


Youth Social and Emotional Learning in Quality-Enhanced, Out-of-School Time Programs

Publishing Organization: Journal of Youth Development

Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2022




Engaging Teachers, Staff , and Parents in Social and Emotional Learning in Palm Beach County

September 2022



Publishing Organization: RAND Corporation

Volume 2, Part 5
One of Six Case Studies of Schools and Out-of-School-Time Program Partners


Early Lessons for Schools and Out-of-School Time Programs Implementing Social and Emotional Learning

October 2020


Heather L. Schwartz, Laura S. Hamilton,Susannah Faxon-Mills, Celia J. Gomez, Alice Huguet, Lisa H. Jaycox, Jennifer T. Leschitz, Andrea Prado Tuma, Katie Tosh, Anamarie A. Whitaker, Stephani L. Wrabel

Publishing Organization: RAND Corporation

The most comprehensive study of social and emotional learning implementation to date offers early lessons for schools and out-of-school-time programs on how to carry out high-quality social and emotional learning instruction.


Evidence of Positive Impact on Afterschool and Summer Programs in Palm Beach County:

A 10-year Validation Study of Prime Time's Integrated Quality Improvement System

August 2019

In this report, we examine trends in quality improvement as an outcome of years of exposure to core services (e.g., quality coaching, improvement planning, and self-assessment) and to the spectrum of Prime Time’s services (i.e., trainings, career advising, and networking opportunities). Subsequent sections will describe Prime Time’s progress in achieving the three goals above and explore how they have led to improved program quality.

Transforming the Landscape Beyond School

2014-2015 Annual Quality Improvement Report for Out-of-School Time Programs in Palm Beach County

Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc., May 2016

This report demonstrates that OST programs in the Palm Beach County Quality Improvement System have made tremendous advances in quality. The vast majority of programs improved their quality or maintained high quality since our last report. The most striking improvements occurred in areas that programs focused on with intention and support from Prime Time.

Exploring the Relationship Between Afterschool Program Quality and Youth Outcomes


2013-2014 Annual Quality Improvement Report for Out-of-School Time Programs in Palm Beach County

Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc., July 2015


As a result of Prime Time’s work with OST programs in Palm Beach County, programs significantly improve in quality from year to year. Programs that have participated in the QIS for many years demonstrate higher overall quality than programs newer to the system. In the 2013-2014 quality improvement cycle, overall program quality was highest among those that had been in the QIS the longest, while new programs just beginning their work in the QIS scored lowest on quality.

Celebrating 10 Years of Quality Afterschool Programs


A Decade of Quality Afterschool

Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc., 2010


In just one short decade, Prime Time Palm Beach County has grew from a concept conceived by a group of concerned local stakeholders into a multimillion dollar nonprofit organization with national reach. Of course, Prime Time would not exist without the dedication of community leaders; the commitment of afterschool programs and staff; the flexibility and collaboration of trusted partners; and
the support of generous funders. Prime Time has built a community-wide infrastructure that supports afterschool programs and their staff to be the best that they can be. With this strong infrastructure and a sound foundation, Prime Time will continue to grow for decades to come. Celebrating 10 Years of Quality Afterschool Programs brings the reader through Prime Time's first 10 years as a nonprofit intermediary.

The Best They Can Be


Findings from the Palm Beach County Quality Improvement Study - Summary American Institutes for Research (AIR), July 2014


Building Citywide Systems for Quality: A Guide and Case Studies for Afterschool Leaders


While an increasing number of afterschool providers have made quality improvement a priority, addressing quality in a systemic way is complicated: It requires research, planning, building consensus, developing resources, managing new processes and sometimes redefining old relationships. Building Citywide Systems for Quality is a how-to guide designed to support the development of quality improvement systems (QIS) in afterschool settings. The guide can help those working to create better, more coordinated afterschool programming start building a QIS, or further develop existing efforts. It describes what constitutes an effective QIS and the tasks involved in building one, and includes examples and resources from communities whose work is blazing a trail for others.


A System that Works: Highlights of Effective Intervention Strategies in a Quality Improvement System


Published in the September 2010 issue of Afterschool Matters, this article describes Palm Beach County's Quality Improvement System, our quality standards, and evidence of its effectiveness using Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago and the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality's reports. This article is a credit to all of Prime Time's partners who have worked diligently to create this system and all of the afterschool practitioners, both directors and frontline staff, who have been dedicated to increasing the quality of their programs.

Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago Evaluation Reports


Chapin Hall has documented Prime Time's growth for the past six year starting with the creation of the Quality Improvement System and most recently the piloting of the Palm Beach County Afterschool Educator Certificate program. Chapin Hall has used multiple methods including interviews with afterschool practitioners and other stakeholders, surveys, review of assessments and documents, and direct observations to produce these reports that have helped Prime Time to improve its supports and services.

Year 2 Report
Year 3 Report
Year 4 Report
Year 5 Report

David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality Reports

The David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality, a joint venture of the Forum for Youth Investment and the High Scope Educational Research Foundation, has developed the Palm Beach County Program Quality Assessment, our county's tool used for quality improvement. The early reports of this PBC-PQA can be found here, as well as a report about the piloting of the Palm Beach County Afterschool Educator Certificate program's knowledge measures.

Findings from Year 2 of the Palm Beach County Quality Improvement System, 2008-09 Quality Standards Implementation in 90 After-School Programs (October 2009)

In January 2009 the Afterschool Alliance conducted the America After 3 P.M. survey, the most extensive research in the last five years into how America's children spend their afternoons. Funded by the JCPenney Afterschool Fund, this survey was based on the responses of 29,754 households nationwide. At the request of Prime Time, Palm Beach County After 3PM is a factsheet that describes an oversampling in our county to determine how parents and guardians view and value afterschool programs locally.

Palm Beach County After 3PM
