Yoga Adventure 3-5.docx

Let’s Go on a Yoga Adventure! The focus of this activity is FLEXIBILITY. Flexibility is the ability to bend and move the joints through the full range of motion. Ready to build your flexibility ?! Practic ing Yoga can be a great way to improve your flexibility along with practicing compassion, mindfulness, generosity, focus, […]

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[…] Staff engage children in frequent read-alouds and encourage children to make personal connections by pausing often to check for understanding, asking them to make predictions, and posing questions to help deepen understanding and comprehension. • In addition to reading, children are given multiple opportunities to engage in writing activities like journaling, storytelling, and conducting […]

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What is SEL

The ability to accurately recognize one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior. The ability to accurately assess one’s strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a”growth mindset.” W h a t is s o c ia l a n d e m o tio n a […]

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Terms of Use

Terms of Use Prime Time Palm Beach County is proud of the work it produces and is pleased that the public may benefit from its publication.  However, Prime Time requests only legitimate and appropriate use of its published materials. The following terms and guidelines are provided to encourage proper consideration of the intellectual property […]

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Photo and Media Release (English)

Prime Time Palm Beach County Photo and Video Release and W aiver Prime Time Palm Beach County, I nc. is an organization that supports afterschool and summer camp progra ms to improve program quality. As such, we plan to take photos and/or video of your child for use primarily in Prime Time Palm Beach […]

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Session 1 6-8

Session 5.1: Know Yourself – Patterns Level 6-8 In today’s activity, you and your child will learn what patterns are, as well as how to identify them. A series of patterns will be provided for your child to finish the sequence. Some of these patterns will be shapes, whereas others will be ones found […]

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Seven-Day Self-Care Challenge

[…] bring you back to center. The Seven-Day Self-Care Challenge is a virtual on-demand offering designed to provide basic practice tools that can help us cultivate awareness, self-care and resilience, particularly during challenging times. Check back each day for a new offering. Each of the daily pre-recorded 15-20 minute video sessions guides us step-by-step through […]

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Choose a High-Quality Afterschool Program

[…] children and youth have better opportunities to engage in new experiences, build relationships and learn new skills. When choosing an afterschool program, consider the below items and questions to help guide your decision. The Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County provides significant funding for Prime Time’s overall operations. The Palm Beach County Youth […]

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2021 P.T. Credit Pathways

[…] If this requirement was not met in high school it can be met through successful completion of eight credit hours in one foreign language with a grade of C or better, or demonstration of proficiency by passing a College Level Exam Program (CLEP) foreign language test. All bachelor’s degrees require the following general education classes.

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