Tue, May 09, 2023
9:00 am - 10:30 am

REGISTER: Youth Reflection Basics

Reflection is a critical life skill that youth can use to remember and analyze experiences.  This training introduces strategies to provide youth with structured reflection opportunities throughout your program.  In this training, you will practice tangible reflection activities that you can put into practice with youth right away.  

Upon successful completion of this training, the participant will earn 1.5 clock hours (.2 CEUs) of training. 


Training Objectives:  

Participants will: 


  1. List 4 ways adults can support youth in reflecting after activities.
  2. Practice reflection activities to use with youth that will engage them in reflecting so that they remember and analyze their experiences.


Core Competencies Addressed: 

Core Knowledge Area – Learning Environment and Curriculum: Entry Level, Level 1

4.B.- Design and Implement a Curriculum to Enhance Cognitive Development

B2- Offer children and youth cognitive learning opportunities to experience and explore

B3- Facilitate hands-on/participatory opportunities for children and youth so they can learn by doing


Primary QIS Scales Addressed  

IV-R Reflection 

Youth have opportunities to reflect.


II-I Fostering Growth Mindset 

Staff support young people in developing achievement effort beliefs.

1 Staff guide or support young people in attempting to figure out for themselves how to improve.