Tue, November 15, 2022
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

VIRTUAL: Raising the Cultural Vibration in OST

Are the youth in your program polite, well-behaved and cooperative? Do you sometimes struggle with behavioral issues and maybe even conflict? Many times, we treat the symptom of the problem; we take action for bad behavior by implementing punishment or negative reinforcement. However, what if there was an alternative way to address these problems? By creating a culture of high expectations and positive community, we can shape behavior before it becomes an issue. Come and learn techniques to build an environment that supports positive behavior by raising the cultural vibration in OST.

Upon successful completion of this training, the participant will earn 3 clock hours (.3 CEUs) of training. 

Training Objectives

Participants will:

  1. Define culture as it relates to the out-of-school time program space.
  2. List three ways to improve the culture of the out-of-school environment.
  3. Apply specific techniques to support positive behavior in your program.


Core Competencies Addressed  

Core Knowledge Area – Interaction with Children/Youth:

5.B: Respect and Honor Cultural and Human Diversity – Level 1, 2, 3 and 4


Primary QIS Scales Addressed  

Safe Environment: 

Creating safe spaces- demonstrate positive group management style


Cultivating empathy