Fri, October 15, 2021
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
The Symposium was the best event. I enjoyed the layout of the event and the speakers that were there.
OST Professional
Facebook Live with Marsha Guthrie: Leading with Equity in OST
Now, more than ever, leading with equity in every phase of our lives has never been more important. Join Prime Time’s Professional Development Trainer Gwyn Williams and our special guest, Marsha Guthrie from the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County and Birth to 22’s Racial Equity Core Team for a conversation about the true meaning of equity, and the steps you can take to work towards making your out-of-school time (OST) space more equitable.
In this Facebook Live session, you will learn about GARE (The Government Alliance on Race and Equity), Advancing the Mission, a county wide initiative centered around bringing equitable practices to the forefront, Prime Time’s Championing Diversity and Equity Series, designed specifically for OST practitioners and other great resources to help you begin to learn and implement equitable practices not only in your program, but in every phase of your life.