OST Academy Resources

SEL VII - Building a Culture of Compassion and Equity

Please remember to post your artifacts in Groupme by April 14 so you can earn your certificate for attending the training.  See below:

  1. Personal: Share one example where you consciously and intentionally became aware of your own implicit bias. Share how you worked to be more compassionate, empathetic and less biased, and the impact on you and those you work with including youth
  2. Site/School: Share one new tangible practice from the CASEL / SEL and Equity Elaborations table we reviewed in the training, that you incorporated to bring an equity lens to SEL at your program, and the impact this had on coworkers/youth.

Links to resources from the training to continue to increase awareness and take action on equity:

Handouts and web tools:



Books and other Resources to Delve Deeper into Racial Equity:

Racial Equity Institute - https://www.racialequityinstitute.com/bibliography

Courageous Conversations (PEG) - https://courageousconversation.com

SEL VI - Empathetic Communication, Strong Relationships


Please remember to post your artifacts in Groupme by March 31 so you can earn your certificate for attending the training. See below:

        1. Personal: Share one way you practiced greater empathy: what you practiced and the impact on you and those you work with including youth

        2. Site/School: Share one example of how you applied positive language and/or a peaceful conflict resolution strategy (peace path, 6 steps of reframing conflict, non-violent communication) at your program and the impact on coworkers/youth.

Here are the links to resources from the training:

Children Full of Life Part 1 video (Empathy)

Award-winning documentary Children Full of Life (Pt. 1)

Fourth-grade class in Kanazawa, northwest of Tokyo, lessons in compassion from their homeroom teacher Toshiro Kanamori

Non-violent communication

Peace Model: https://www.cnvc.org/learn-nvc/the-nvc-model

Feelings inventory: https://www.cnvc.org/training/resource/feelings-inventory

Needs inventory: https://www.cnvc.org/training/resource/needs-inventory


Peace Path resources to create your own peace path are attached.

I would review the video by Dan Siegel on the Neuroscience of awareness using the Hand Model of the Brain  (from SEL I): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18D_QTxh7ks&feature=youtu.be

SEL V - Building Resilience and Self-Care

Please remember to post your artifacts in Groupme by March 8 so you can earn your certificate for attending the training. See below:

1.      Personal: Share one self-care practice you applied since the training using the self-care wheel as a guide, and share what you practiced, and the impact on you and those you work with including youth

2.      Site/School: Share one example of how you applied a positive approach to discipline (logical consequence, reflection station, positive visioning etc) at your program and the impact on coworkers/youth.

 Resilience videos

Source: Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University - https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-resilience-series/

Video 2 - InBrief: The Science of Resilience - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r8hj72bfGo

Video 3 - InBrief – How resilience is Built - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSf7pRpOgu8

Responsive Classroom proactive approach to discipline videos

Teaching rules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_CmjJoEzfc

Teaching how to respond to Quiet signal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoJZQ1haRBw&list=PLp0lU8Z_4Oo8MD2qezMz10W8uF3RGNg0N

Getting behavior on track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5WNrjxaX28

Self-regulation space/Think chair - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0yAeKgb7rg  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DQ4NBYX-EE

I would review the videos on Restorative Circles (from SEL II) as a way to involve youth in equitable problem solving and conflict resolution: https://www.primetimepbc.org/pseli/ost-sel-academy-resources/#sel-ii password: ‘selacademy’

Self-Care Wheel filled out and empty versions in multiple languages so you can work on your implementation and also use in staff meetings for ongoing reflection. http://www.olgaphoenix.com/key-offerings/self-care-wheel/  The self-care questions that go along with the wheel are also attached.

SEL IV - Responding to Trauma and Reactivity

In our SEL IV – Responding to Trauma and Reactivity training last week we learned how to respond proactively versus react automatically to triggers in the “heat of the moment” by applying some self-regulation and self-compassion techniques:

-S.T.O.P. – Stop, Take a Breath, Observe your thoughts, emotions and sensations, Proceed with kindness and care

-T.H.I.N.K. before you speak – ask yourself is it True, Helpful, Informed, Necessary and Kind

-Apply the R.A.I.N. exercise by Tara Brach when you are facing a challenging situation, or working with feelings of unworthiness or self-doubt

Recognize what is going on;

Allow the experience to be there, just as it is;

Investigate with interest and care;

Nurture with self-compassion.

We also practiced the seven steps of interactive modeling in the Afternoon Meeting Greeting. Check out this video of  Forest Hill Elementary Afterschool practitioners acting out their Greeting!

As a follow up to the training, please note some important reminders below:

1.     Share ONE artifact (story, picture of video clip) of an SEL practice or skill you applied from your SEL Implementation Plan and post it in the OST SEL Academy GroupMe Forum – our virtual community space to implementation of SEL practices – by February 25, 2019 – This is a requirement to earn your certificate.

2.     Visit the PSELI resources page and enter the password selacademy for more tools: https://pselipbc.org/ost-sel-academy-resources

3.    Practice self-awareness and stress reduction tools daily for 3-7 minutes and record your experience in your Daily Practice Log

4.     Contact Michelle Beatty from SEDNET at michelle.beatty@palmbeachschools.org to schedule a Trauma-Informed Care staff presentation or to access district resources to support youth experiencing trauma. 

SEL III - The Art of Social Connection

In Part 3 of the SEL Academy series we focused on The Art of Social Connection and role that perceptions plays in the way we RE-act and INTER-act with others. In case you missed it here are some simple activities you can do with your staff to “check your perception” and improve your ability to connect in more meaningful ways with coworkers and youth:

  • Do the Just by looking at me exercise (attached) to build equity and inclusion
  • Look at these images (attached) in the What do you see? activity. Discuss your observations on how you perceive differently within a group of adults or youth.
  • Review the Perception checking protocol and then complete the Perception checking exercises

Foundations in SEL II

In the Foundations in SEL II training, practitioners learned about the power of using circle dialogue as a structure for building community and restoring justice in learning spaces. Here are a couple short videos demonstrating the use of circles for both reflective and restorative practices:

Foundations in SEL I

  • Video on the Hand Model of the BrainSee the full video explaining the brain science behind the importance of SEL for youth and adults.
  • Join the OST SEL Academy GroupMe Forum – our virtual community space to share artifacts, stories and photos of your implementation of SEL practices
  • Artifact Submission Instructions - This document contains guidelines to submit your artifact, story, pictures, and testimonials as you implement SEL practices and curricula in OST.
  • ABCD practice - Use the short 3 minute audio as a guide for a short daily mindful awareness practice (COMING SOON)
  • Use the Daily Practice Log to document ongoing practice of mindful awareness, and other SEL tools in your personal lives to deepen adult SEL skills.

More Information


Knellee Bisram

SEL Specialist