Our Story

For 22 years, Prime Time Palm Beach County has been working to help children and youth succeed by strengthening and expanding quality in the out-of-school time (OST) field. As we move into 2023, we would like to share our story to help connect the work with its impact. In 2020-2021, Prime Time offered 136,829 learning experiences that impacted 50,001 youth and served 150 OST programs participating in the Palm Beach County Quality Improvement System. What does this mean for the OST field, program, professional, children and youth? Prime Time's blog, Our Story, will have answers.



Do you want to feature your out-of-school time program in Prime Time's blog, e-newsletter and social media? Submit the exciting activities that are going on in your program by clicking here.


Tips and Strategies for OST Lesson Plan Integration

Dedicated to Improving Herself and the Environment Around Her


2018-2019 RAND Formative Feedback Sneak Peek


Year Two Highlights

Igniting the Hearts and Minds of Our Children and Youth

Meaningful and Impactful Learning is Happening Outside of the Classroom

Afterschool Practitioners Blossomed with STEAM this Spring

Quality Improvement is Always a Journey and Never a Destination

A True Professional in the Out-of-School Time Field

Moving Up with Confidence