Afterschool: A Bipartisan Solution
to Help Young People Thrive

Source: Afterschool Alliance,

At a time of deep partisan divides, Afterschool Alliance surveys have found an area of consensus around support for afterschool and summer learning programs. Across the political spectrum, parents identifying as Democratic, Independent, and Republican strongly agree that afterschool and summer learning programs are keeping kids safe, inspiring learning, and providing peace of mind to working parents, with overwhelming majorities in favor of public funding for such programs. Surveys of parents
of school-age children before and during the pandemic demonstrate the value parents place on afterschool and summer learning programs, regardless of political affiliation. Even with the high levels of support for afterschool, gaps remain, and there are 24.7 million children—more than the populations of Kansas, Ohio, and Virginia combined—who would be enrolled in a program if one were available to them.

Afterschool for All
A spring 2022 survey of nearly 1,500 parents found
that approximately 8 in 10 who identify as Democratic
(88 percent), Independent (80 percent), and
Republican (82 percent) agree that all young people
deserve access to quality afterschool and summer
programs. These results are similar to parent surveys
conducted both before and during the pandemic,
demonstrating the consistently high level of support
for the need for afterschool and summer programs.

Consensus on Afterschool Benefits
From providing young people with the opportunity to build critical life skills to helping parents keep their jobs, America After 3PM found that parents of all political ideologies agree that afterschool programs are a source of support for children and their families.

Read full report here: Afterschool: A Bipartisan Solution
to Help Young People Thrive
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