In celebration of Lawrence Gordon, Prime Time’s board of directors’ vice president’s 70th birthday, Prime Time Palm Beach County received $2,880 in generous donations. Of the amount received, the Law Office of Salesia Smith-Gordon matched donations with a $1,000 contribution. In lieu of presents, guests attending a May birthday celebration for Gordon were asked to donate to Prime Time, an organization that Gordon has devoted more than 12 years as board member providing wise counsel, direction and vision.

“Lawrence Gordon (pictured middle) has been and continues to be a strong advocate for children and families in Palm Beach County through his leadership on Prime Time’s Board of Directors,” said Suzette L. Harvey (pictured left), president/CEO of Prime Time. “This is the second time that Mr. Gordon used the occasion of his birthday to not only raise funds for Prime Time, but to provide staff with a platform to talk about our work in the community. The match from his wife Salesia Smith-Gordon’s (pictured right) law firm just speaks to the incredible commitment and generosity of these two extraordinarily giving individuals.”
Lawrence Gordon is vice mayor of the Town of Haverhill, president of Phoenix Mediation, president of Palm Beach County Caucus of Black Elected Officials, president-elect-Palm Beach League of Cities, Inc. Gordon actively engages in all these pursuits after a successful career in the insurance industry.
The Law Office of Salesia Smith Gordon is an African-American, woman-owned, boutique personal injury law firm based in West Palm Beach, Florida and with satellite office in Belle Glade, FL., handling civil litigation matters, with a concentration on personal injury, wrongful death and medication error actions.
The mission of Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc. is to help children and youth succeed by strengthening and expanding quality in the out-of-school time field. Prime Time offers support to OST programs through coaching and assessment for continuous quality improvement, as well as program enrichment through its expanded learning providers. For the individual practitioners, Prime Time offers career advising, training, scholarships and financial incentives to increase the quality of out-of-school time programs in Palm Beach County.