Assistant Afterschool Director Kamille Bailey-Anderson at Forest Hill Elementary Afterschool Program has loved working in the field for the past four years because each day brings something new. From the start of her career in afterschool, Kamille knew that she wanted to continue working with children.

“The youth at my program always keep me laughing, smiling and on my toes at all times. The hope for the children in my program is for them to feel loved, be healthy, be happy at all times and feel comfortable enough to come to tell me anything that is on their mind. This is accomplished because the students at the program already feel that way. I also want for them to have a voice in anything that they participate in. ”
– Kamille Bailey-Anderson, Assistant Afterschool Director, Forest Hill Elementary Afterschool Program
Kamille was inspired to learn new skills to help her both professionally and personally, so she decided to begin her educational journey in the youth development field. Her educational journey began through Prime Time’s scholarship program to take classes in the credit pathway offered at Palm Beach State College and completed her Youth Development College Credit Certificate the following year. Next, Kamille began working toward her Associate Degree in Human Services-Youth Development, which she completed in early 2021.

“If you look up the definition of a caring practitioner, I’m sure you’ll find Kamille’s name. Kamille brings her caring spirit and willingness to learn to her program and Prime Time’s professional development trainings. I believe the passion for growth and creativity that Kamille embodies will continue to foster an enriching environment for her youth and staff.” – Junior Beauzier, Quality Advisor, Prime Time Palm Beach County
Kamille truly values her education and continues to learn, as she is now working toward her Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services. Along the way she has qualified for ACHIEVE OST financial incentives, which has rewarded her $4,000 for showing her commitment to the out-of-school time field by attending trainings and earning certificates and degrees.

“I basically see it (ACHIEVE OST Financial Incentive) as getting paid to literally do what I love, which is working with the youth. It not only is an extrinsic motivator but also it is intrinsic because it is such a joy to work with the youth.” – Kamille Bailey-Anderson
Her education has allowed her to advance in the field, as she began her educational journey as an afterschool counselor, but has worked her way up to the assistant director of her program. With all that she has accomplished, her focus remains on finding new ways to benefit the children and youth she serves at her program.
“The greatest lesson that I learned at a Prime Time training is to not only actively listen to the youth but also know that it is not only what you say to a student but HOW you say it. Children have feelings and they need to be taken into consideration. Youth benefit in so many ways from practitioners who actually do care about them and want to work with them.“ – Kamille Bailey-Anderson