Source: Prime Time Palm Beach County
Date: July 25, 2019
The 2019-2020 school year for Palm Beach County officially starts on Monday, August 12, 2019. While families begin their back-to-school preparations, Prime Time is here to remind them that the time after the school bell ring is a critical time for learning as well. We are providing families with a tip sheet to help them assess the level of quality that exists in their child’s afterschool program.
Research shows that a high-quality afterschool program can positively impact social and emotional skills, school grades, standardized test scores, school attendance and on-time grade promotion. The “Choose a High-Quality Afterschool Program” tip sheet offers 10 suggested considerations when choosing an afterschool program to help in the decision-making.
About Prime Time Palm Beach County
Prime Time Palm Beach County is a nonprofit organization that provides resources and supports for out-of-school time professionals to develop programs that inspire children to be their best and allow them to thrive socially and academically. Prime Time’s integrated model of services is one of the strongest, most comprehensive and well-respected systems for measuring and improving out-of-school time program quality in the nation.