Posts Tagged ‘learning’
Meaningful and Impactful Learning is Happening Outside of the Classroom
written by Anita Winkis, Quality Advisor, Prime Time Palm Beach County As the 2018-2019 school year came to a close, I spent time with out-of-school time directors as they prepared for summer. I discovered one consistent theme among them all: OST directors LOVE summer camp. They broke out into smiles when I asked them about…
Read MoreAfterschool Practitioners Blossomed with STEAM this Spring
by Patricia Sasson, STEAM Specialist, Prime Time Palm Beach County From uncertainty to confidence and from apprehension to ease, out-of-school time staff who enrolled in Prime Time’s STEAM Initiative are implementing activities and lessons in their programs with great success! Galaxy Elementary E3 Afterschool Enrichment Program was one of nine afterschool programs that took advantage of Prime…
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