Luisa Vincent

Passionate about positively impacting the out-of-school world, Luisa brings her expertise in various roles, including working alongside children, youth, families, practitioners and providers in Palm Beach County for over 15 years. She served as the afterschool and summer camp site director for L.A.I.R.O (Latin American Immigrant and Refugee Organization) and F.A.U. Pine Jog for nearly nine years before accepting her position as the educational and training program coordinator at Florida Atlantic University, Pine Jog Environmental Education Center. During her time at Pine Jog, Luisa designed and developed the program Teaching Empathy through Nature, a Prime Time expanded learning opportunity (ELO), one in which she is extremely proud of. Teaching Empathy through Nature is still being offered to this day. Luisa holds a master’s degree in Environmental Education from Florida Atlantic University as well as a bachelor’s degree in Communications from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.