9:00 am - 11:00 am
It was a great experience, I learned a lot. It gave me the opportunity to see some areas where I need to work to better my leadership and my program!
Lorena DAfterschool Professional
The Magic of Inquiry Based Learning – VIRTUAL
Foster the love of learning in OST! The Magic of Inquiry Based Learning training shows you how to deliver fun STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts, Engineering and Math) activities in your OST setting through best practice strategies such as the 5E’s Instructional Method. Prepare to bring the magic to OST!
Upon successful completion of this training, the participant will earn 2 clock hours (.2 CEUs) of training.
Training Objectives:
Participants will:
- Define inquiry-based learning.
- Utilize the 5E’s instructional method to facilitate science activities in OST.
Core Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Addressed (CKSCs):
Learning Environments and Curriculum
Physical Environment and Activities
Identify – A. Recognizes the importance of creating a developmentally and culturally responsive learning environment and following a curriculum.
Apply – D. Creates engaging, physically, emotionally safe, and inclusive environments to encourage play, exploration, and learning across developmental domains.
Primary QIS Scales Addressed
II. Supportive Environment
II-J. Active Learning
II-J-4. Balance concrete and abstract
IV. Engaging Environment
IV-O. Furthering Learning
IV-O-3. Encourage extending knowledge
IV-O-5. Guide Discovery