9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Over the last 5 years, Prime Time has helped the JASE program become a successful afterschool program in Martin County. We are thankful for the variety of trainings offered, yearly actions plans and multiple site visits.
Afterschool ProfessionalMartin County Parks and Recreation
Progressive Afterschool Practitioner Series Part 2 – Progressive TOO!
Please ensure your availability allows you to commit to all of the following dates before registering for the training series:
- 9/17/21 – Friday – 9:00am-12:00pm –Progressive Afterschool Practitioner Series Part 1 – Progressive Afterschool Practitioner
- 10/1/21 – Friday – 9:00am-12:00pm – Progressive Afterschool Practitioner Series Part 2 – Progressive TOO!
CEUs: Prime Time is authorized by IACET to offer 0.8 CEUs for the completion of this training series. Click here to learn more here.
In order to earn CEUs, participants must meet the following requirements: complete all assignments satisfactorily, attend all sessions of the training series, miss no more than 15 minutes of total training time, actively participate in the trainings with their video on and pass the post quiz with a score of 70% or higher.
The Progressive Afterschool Practitioner
The Progressive Afterschool Practitioner is a training designed to heighten a practitioner’s insight into their own professional development. It infuses facets of job satisfaction with professional development planning. By reflecting on individual strengths and areas of growth, an afterschool practitioner is challenged to create a plan for professional development by using the Core Competencies for Afterschool Practitioners as a guide.
Training Objectives
Participants will:
a. Recall the facets of job satisfaction and explain how to relate the facets to their current practice in OST.
b. Identify growth opportunities and set meaningful goals using the Core Competencies for afterschool practitioners as a self-assessment tool.
c. Produce relevant professional development goals using the S.M.A.R.T. goal guidelines.
Progressive Too!
As the second installment of the Progressive Afterschool Practitioner, Progressive Too will take a deeper look into professional development planning by examining different aspects of professionalism in out-of-school time (OST). You will be lead through a variety of experiential learning activities that will explore how you, as a professional, can continue to develop in this field. If you are dedicated to bettering yourself, which in turn provides a better experience for youth in OST, this training is for you!
Training Objectives
Participants will:
a. Explain ways to heighten professionalism in the OST field.
b. Summarize areas of personal and professional growth.
c. Decide on individual, personal or professional development goals to work on for the next few weeks.