Tue, March 22, 2022
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Over the last 5 years, Prime Time has helped the JASE program become a successful afterschool program in Martin County. We are thankful for the variety of trainings offered, yearly actions plans and multiple site visits.

Afterschool Professional
Martin County Parks and Recreation

OST Leadership Series Part 3 – Progressive Afterschool Director 2: Balanced Program Culture

Please ensure your availability allows you to commit to all of the following dates before registering for the training series: 

2/22/22 – Tuesday – 2/28/22 – Monday – Self-paced – OST Leadership Part 1 – Introduction to OST Leadership (Self-Paced)
3/08/22 – Tuesday – 9:00 am-12:00 pm – OST Leadership Part 2 – Progressive Afterschool Director 1: Leadership Style
3/22/22 – Tuesday – 9:00 am-12:00 pm – OST Leadership Part 3 – Progressive Afterschool Director 2: Balanced Program Culture
4/05/22 – Tuesday – 9:00 am-12:00 pm – OST Leadership Part 4 –  Live Online Wrap Up: Implementing Leadership Strategies


CEUs: Prime Time is authorized by IACET to offer 1.6 CEUs for the completion of this training series. Click here to learn more here.


In order to earn CEUs, participants must meet the following requirements:   complete all assignments satisfactorily,  attend all sessions of the training series, miss no more than 15 minutes of total training time, actively participate in the trainings with their video on and pass the post quiz with a score of 70% or higher.


The Leadership Essentials Series provides directors, assistant directors and staff in leadership positions an opportunity to learn about their unique leadership style and create professional development plans to improve coaching and supervisory skills. Participants will practice these skills to effectively support their staff to provide the most meaningful opportunities for youth.  


OST Leadership Part 1 – Introduction to OST Leadership (Self-Paced)

You will receive an email with a link when the Part 1 self-paced online training opens.  All other training sessions in the series are live online Zoom sessions.

Training Objectives

Participants will: 

a.Define the Myers-Briggs Type Instrument (MBTI) and the eight (8) psychological preferences.
b. Participate in the MBTI Assessment Online to assess their MBTI Type.
c. Compare each psychological preference and use their MBTI Type to understand their leadership style.


OST Leadership Part 2 – Progressive Afterschool Director: Leadership Style

Training Objectives 

Participants will: 

a. Recall the Myers-Briggs Type Instrument (MBTI) and the eight psychological preferences.
b. Examine the results of the MBTI Assessment as they relate to work style, leadership style, communication and the core competencies for afterschool professionals.
c. Implement a suite of tools and strategies through a Personal Leadership Plan.


OST Leadership Part 3 – Progressive Afterschool Director 2: Balanced Program Culture

Training Objectives

Participants will: 

a. Evaluate their OST Leadership Plan and revise accordingly.
b. Illustrate how OST leadership style relates to program culture and effectiveness.
c. Integrate mentoring strategies based on MBTI leadership type to create an optimally balanced program culture.
d. Utilize the Core Competencies to assist staff in professional development planning.


OST Leadership Part 4 – Live Online Wrap Up: Implementing Leadership Strategies: 

Training Objectives

Participants will: 

a. Summarize their artifacts and experience of implementing their Mentorship Action Plans.
b. Explain ways to overcome barriers and increase strengths on their teams.
c. Implement strategies for embedding Individual Career Plan goals and other tools for professional development in their systems and procedures.