Thu, January 14, 2021
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Over the last 5 years, Prime Time has helped the JASE program become a successful afterschool program in Martin County. We are thankful for the variety of trainings offered, yearly actions plans and multiple site visits.

Afterschool Professional
Martin County Parks and Recreation

Navigating the Lesson Plan

Ah! The lesson plan. As out-of-school time (OST) professionals, you have been challenged to rise to the demands of an evolving field, and this includes the development of lesson plans. Learn how to complete an effective lesson plan by infusing the key components necessary to make your activities come to life. Learn the why behind each component, and how to build a lesson plan that works best for you. Whether you are new to writing lesson plans, or looking to brush up your skills, this training will help you to improve your lesson plan writing skills.


Core Competencies Addressed

Core Knowledge Area – Program Planning and Development:

3.A: Communicate and Support Program Mission and Purpose – Level 2 and 3.

Core Knowledge Area – Learning Environment and Curriculum:

4.B: Design and Implement a Curriculum to Enhance Cognitive Development – Level 2 and 3.