Thu, August 25, 2022
9:00 am - 10:30 am

How to Give Youth a Voice in Your Program

Does your program reflect the input of the youth involved? Research shows that quality programs incorporate youth input at both activity and program levels. This interactive training will emphasize the importance of offering meaningful participation for youth. You will walk away with practical strategies and materials so youth can provide input and feedback to improve engagement in your program.


CEUs: Upon successful completion of this training, the participant will earn 1.5 clock hours (.2 CEUs) of training. Click here to learn more here.

Participants must not miss more than 5 minutes of total training time, earn a 70% or higher on the post training quiz, and actively participate during training sessions to receive CEUs for this training.


Training Objectives

Participants will:

a. Identify and address adultism within the program.
b. Describe ways youth can provide input and feedback to adults.