Wed, August 24, 2022
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Guidelines and Rules Basics

How do you prevent chaos in an afterschool environment without stifling the positive energy of youth? Youth need guidelines and rules to feel safe emotionally and physically. You will leave this training with a list of clear, positive guidelines and rules for youth activities and your program overall.


CEUs: Upon successful completion of this training, the participant will earn 1.5 clock hours (.2 CEUs) of training. Click here to learn more here.

Participants must not miss more than 5 minutes of total training time, earn a 70% or higher on the post training quiz, and actively participate during training sessions to receive CEUs for this training.


Training Objectives

Participants will:

a. Describe how providing clear limits in their program provides emotional and physical safety for youth.
b. Create a list of rules with clear positive guidelines that meet the needs of youth.