9:00 am - 11:00 am
Over the last 5 years, Prime Time has helped the JASE program become a successful afterschool program in Martin County. We are thankful for the variety of trainings offered, yearly actions plans and multiple site visits.
Afterschool ProfessionalMartin County Parks and Recreation
Cultivating Empathy – VIRTUAL
Empathy is a skill that can be supported and built with intentionality for both adults and youth. This training is designed to build practitioners’ knowledge of empathy and develop skills they will incorporate into program activities and with youth. The purpose of this training is to understand how and why cultivating empathy is a key skill for youth development.
Upon successful completion of this training, the participant will earn 2 clock hours (.2CEUs) of training.
Training Objectives
Participants will:
- Understand the concept of empathy and practice active listening skills that model empathy.
- Identify best practices and plan for supporting building empathy in youth programming.
- Plan next steps for incorporating concepts learned about empathy with youth and programs.
Core Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Addressed (CKSCs):
Child/Youth Growth and Development
Identify – F. Identifies physical, cognitive, language and communication, social and emotional, and creative development benchmarks.
Apply – C. Communicates about physical, cognitive, language and communication, social and emotional, cultural and creative differences among children and youth.
Learning Environments and Curriculum
Physical, Social/Emotional, and Cognitive Development
Apply – B. Implements strategies to develop young people’s self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship-building and responsible decision-making skills,
Apply – D. Incorporates activities promoting cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development.
Relationships and Interactions with Children and Youth
Individual Child / Youth Guidance
Provides a supportive environment in which children and youth can learn and practice pro-social behaviors.
Primary QIS Scales Addressed:
I. Safe Environment
I-E. Creating Safe Spaces
I-E-1. Foster positive climate
I-E-2. Convey warmth and respect.
I-E-3. Provide support for safe space.
III. Interactive Environment
III-K. Sense of Belonging
III.N. Cultivating Empathy
III.N.2. Encourage understanding other’s emotions
III.N.4. Support valuing of differences