9:00 am - 10:30 am
Over the last 5 years, Prime Time has helped the JASE program become a successful afterschool program in Martin County. We are thankful for the variety of trainings offered, yearly actions plans and multiple site visits.
Afterschool ProfessionalMartin County Parks and Recreation
Conflict Resolution: Basics – VIRTUAL
Would you like youth to be able to resolve their own conflicts more independently? This training provides afterschool staff with knowledge and skills to facilitate conflict resolution in their program by encouraging youth to manage feelings and resolve conflicts appropriately. You will walk away from this training with a step-by-step model for conflict resolution you can put into practice right away.
Upon successful completion of this training, the participant will earn 1.5 clock hours (.2 CEUs) of training.
Training Objectives:
Participants will:
- Explain how reframing conflict can turn conflict resolutions into opportunities for growth.
- Demonstrate examples of Reframing Conflict using the High/Scope step-by-step model and the general principles for conflict resolution.
Core Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Addressed (CKSCs):
Child/Youth Growth and Development
Identify- F. Identifies physical, cognitive, language and communication, social and emotional, and creative development benchmarks.
Learning Environments and Curriculum
Language and Communication Development
Apply- C. Encourages children and youth to communicate in a variety of ways.
Relationships and Interactions with Children and Youth
Identify- D. Identifies child/youth abilities and corresponding positive guidance techniques to support successful group experiences.
Primary QIS Scales Addressed:
I. Safe Environment
I-E. Creating Safe Spaces
I-E-4: Demonstrate positive group management style.
II. Supportive Environment
II-G Emotion Coaching
II-G.-2- Support young people to name emotions.
III. Interactive Environment
III-N Cultivating Empathy
III-N-2- Encourage understanding others’ emotions.