Thu, February 06, 2025
9:00 am - 11:00 am

Building Bridges Through Engaging Partnerships – VIRTUAL (Provider Specific)

This training is specifically designed to meet the needs of providers. Are you looking for strategies to reimagine how you partner with out-of-school time providers? Would you like to strengthen your partnerships with practitioners you meet while visiting schools? Then this is the training for you! Participants will discover the qualities of successful partnerships, explore strategies for improving collaboration and communication with programs, and work with other ELO providers to develop plans to refine youths’ experiences through enhanced communication and cooperation with site staff.

Upon successful completion of this training, the participant will earn 2 clock hours (.2 CEUs) of training.

Training Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Analyze providers and program relationships based on the qualities of a successful partnership and collaboration.
  2. Describe key components of effective communication.
  3. Use strategies of effective partnerships, collaboration and communication to develop solutions to challenges when visiting programs.

Core Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Addressed (CKSCs):

Learning Environments and Curriculum

Physical Environment and Activities

Apply – I. Collaborates with others to maximize opportunities for children and youth.

Relationships and Interactions with Children and Youth

Enhancing Group Experiences

Apply – A. Demonstrates organization and flexibility when working with groups of children and youth.

Family, School, and Community Relationships

School Relationships

Apply – A. Assists in maintaining positive behavior supports consistent with the school (if school-based) and reflective of the culture of families.

Apply – B. Develops and contributes to relationships with appropriate school staff to better meet the individual needs of children and youth.

Program Planning and Development

Human Resource Management

Apply – B. Collaborates and incorporates the principles of teamwork into interactions with others.

Primary QIS Scales Addressed:

I. Safe Environment 

I-E. Creating Safe Spaces

II. Supportive Environment 

II-F. Session Flow

IV. Engaging Environment

IV-O. Furthering Learning