Resiliency and Life Skills Basics Onboarding – SELF-PACED

10/03/2023 – 10/10/2023 @ 12:00 am – What do Resiliency and Life Skills really mean? In this self-paced virtual training, participants will be able to develop a foundational understanding of resiliency and life skills, including an introduction to common language and structures used in state and national frameworks to guide effective implementation in OST settings.  Participants also reflect upon why resiliency and […]

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Raising the Cultural Vibration in OST – VIRTUAL

10/05/2023 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Are the youth in your program polite, well-behaved and cooperative? Do you sometimes struggle with behavioral issues and maybe even conflict? Many times, we treat the symptom of the problem; we take action for bad behavior by implementing punishment or negative reinforcement. However, what if there was an alternative way to address these problems? By […]

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