June 10, 2019
Contact: Suzette Harvey, President/CEO
Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc.
(561) 732-8066
Prime Time Palm Beach County to Support Increased Quality in
Out-of-School Time Programming in Martin County
Boynton Beach – The Children’s Services Council of Martin County (CSC) awarded a contract to Prime Time Palm Beach County (Prime Time) to develop a quality improvement system for afterschool in Martin County, based on the model that Prime Time has developed in its home county. The Martin County Out-of-school Time Quality Improvement Initiative will support out-of-school time (OST) programs, funded by the CSC, with ongoing quality coaching, onsite training, mentoring of youth development strategies and professional development. OST programs support children and youth before school, after school, summer, weekends and during seasonal breaks.
“This is an incredible opportunity to engage with the Council and to be able to begin providing professional development supports that give out-of-school time practitioners in Martin County the knowledge and skills necessary to improve their practice,” said Katherine Gopie (pictured right), Director of Professional Development, Prime Time Palm Beach County.

The Initiative will be modeled after the successful work that Prime Time has developed over the course of nearly 20 years to the OST community in Palm Beach County. Recognized as one of the most established quality improvement systems across the country, the Palm Beach County Quality Improvement System currently has 151 afterschool programs enrolled, and has well-developed services and incentives to support program staff in their efforts to deliver best practice strategies. A dedicated quality improvement project manager, employed by Prime Time, will work with leadership and front-line staff at the OST programs to help in connecting resources and offer coaching supports.
“I look forward to the opportunity to meet out-of-school time staff, build relationships, and provide resources and ongoing support to the programs in Martin County. I have been doing this work in Palm Beach County for 12 years and have seen afterschool and summer programs make incredible strides with Prime Time’s support,” said Lynn Stanavitch (pictured right), Martin County QIS Project Manager, Prime Time Palm Beach County.

“I am excited and feel privileged to partner with the Children’s Services Council of Martin County. Our goal is to support these afterschool programs with the tools they need to enhance the hours after the school bell rings, so children attending are emotionally and physically safe and learning, all while having fun with their peers,” stated Teal Chance (pictured right), Director of Quality Improvement, Prime Time Palm Beach County.

Prime Time Palm Beach County
Prime Time Palm Beach County is a nonprofit organization that provides resources and supports for out-of-school time professionals to develop programs that inspire children to be their best and allow them to thrive socially and academically. Prime Time’s integrated model of services is one of the strongest, most comprehensive and well-respected systems for measuring and improving out-of-school time program quality in the nation. Learn more at primetimepbc.org.
The Children’s Services Council of Martin County
The Children’s Services Council of Martin County, an independent special district, was created by voter referendum in 1988 and reauthorized in 2014 to provide a dedicated funding source for local children’s programs. The Council funds programs that provide a healthy foundation for children, create strong, supportive families, foster a safe community and offer children opportunities for success in school and life. Learn more at www.cscmc.org.