Children and Youth
Prime Time Shares Tips on How to Get Children Engaged in Activities Outside of the Classroom
Prime Time Palm Beach County joins the Early Learning Coalition in a two-part Parent Workshop to share tips on how to get children engaged in activities outside of the classroom. Prime Time’s Director of Community Partnerships Nicole Edwards presents accessible options and discusses some of the incredible benefits of out-of-school activities. To learn more about…
Read MoreEngage Face-to-Face this Holiday Season
Written by: William King, Executive Director, Youth Speak Out International, a Prime Time Expanded Learning Opportunity Over the holidays, while resisting a second serving of dessert, you might find an even bigger temptation in screen technologies like smartphones, tablets, laptops and video games. The holidays are a perfect opportunity to form memories together as a…
Read MoreIgniting the Hearts and Minds of Our Children and Youth
Written by Rose Newbold, Quality Advisor, Prime Time Palm Beach County Never in a thousand years would I have thought that I would be a part of something so amazing: igniting the hearts and minds of our children and youth! I think back to 1993 when I wanted to become a police officer. When applying…
Read MoreMeaningful and Impactful Learning is Happening Outside of the Classroom
written by Anita Winkis, Quality Advisor, Prime Time Palm Beach County As the 2018-2019 school year came to a close, I spent time with out-of-school time directors as they prepared for summer. I discovered one consistent theme among them all: OST directors LOVE summer camp. They broke out into smiles when I asked them about…
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