9:00 am - 10:30 am
Over the last 5 years, Prime Time has helped the JASE program become a successful afterschool program in Martin County. We are thankful for the variety of trainings offered, yearly actions plans and multiple site visits.
Afterschool ProfessionalMartin County Parks and Recreation
Excelling in OST Series (Part II) – VIRTUAL
Participants are REQUIRED TO ATTEND ALL TRAININGS in the series and complete assigned homework/artifacts between trainings in the series.
Part 1 – The Power of OST
Part 2 – Striving for Excellence
Are you new to Out-of-School Time? If so, this training is for you! Excelling in OST is a training designed for new Out-of-School Time (OST) professionals in their first to second year of service. Excelling in OST is an introduction into the profession, explores the impact of OST professionals on youth development and the critical role they play in the community. Participants will investigate how to excel in the OST profession and develop personal commitments to ethical conduct as they carry out their responsibilities. Participants will leave with resources to grow professionally and take the next step to truly excel in OST.
Upon successful completion of this training, the participant can earn up to 4.0 clock hours (.4 CEUs) of training.
The Power of OST- Part 1
Training Objectives
Participants will:
- Identify benefits to young people through participation in OST programs.
- Recognize the role of an OST youth development professional.
- Develop individual, personal, or professional development goals.
Striving for Excellence- Part 2
Training Objectives
Participants will:
- Discuss how to maintain ethically sound conduct in the OST field.
- Develop individual, personal, or professional development goals.