Tue, January 19, 2021
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

The Magic of Inquiry Based Learning in OST

Foster the love of learning in OST! The Magic of Inquiry Based Learning in OST training shows you how to deliver fun STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts, Engineering and Math) activities in your OST setting through best practice strategies such as the 5Es Instructional Method. Prepare to bring the magic to OST!


Core Competencies Addressed
Core Knowledge Area –  Child/Youth Growth and Development:
1.B: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the multiple influences on development and learning – Entry Level and Level 1.

Core Knowledge Area – Learning Environment and Curriculum:
4.B: Design and Implement a Curriculum to Enhance Cognitive Development – Entry Level, Level 1, 2 and 3.


Primary QIS Scales Addressed
Supportive Environment:

II-I: Activities support active engagement.
II-J: Staff support youth to build new skills.


III-N: Youth have opportunities to participate in cooperative groups


Training Objectives

Participants will:

1.      Discuss the components of STEAM and the application to OST programs
2.      Define inquiry based learning
3.      Utilize the 5Es instructional method to facilitate science activities in OST.