STANDARD ONE: Solid Organizational Framework
The afterschool program is structured and organized to ensure the health and safety of children and youth in the program. The administration utilizes sound business practices and promotes the development, training, and retention of qualified staff.
Program Administration/Management
- The administration utilizes sound business practices
- Organizational logistics are effective
- The organization promotes staff development
- The organization promotes supportive social norms
- Staff education and field specific training meet county standards
- Youth have influence on structure and policy in the organization
Physical Program Environment
- The physical environment is safe and free of health hazards
- Program space and furniture/materials accommodate activities
Safety, Health and Nutrition
- Emergency and safety procedures are in place to protect youth
- Healthy Food and drink are provided
STANDARD TWO: Supportive Ongoing Relationships
The afterschool program staff involves youth as partners in the program and encourages children and youth to work together.
- Session flow is planned, presented and paced for youth
- Staff effectively maintain clear limits
- Staff support youth in building new skills
- Staff support all youth with encouragement
- Youth have opportunities to participate in small groups
- Youth have opportunities to act as group facilitators and mentors
- Youth have opportunities to partner with adults
STANDARD THREE: Positive and Inclusive Environment
The afterschool program promotes psychological and emotional safety. The afterschool program staff creates a welcoming environment that fosters a sense of belonging for children and youth, families and staff.
- Psychological and emotional safety are promoted
- Staff provide a welcoming atmosphere
- Staff encourage youth to manage feelings and resolve conflicts appropriately
- Youth have opportunities to develop a sense of belonging
- Youth have opportunities to develop positive peer relationships
STANDARD FOUR: Challenging Learning Experiences
The afterschool program provides positive learning experiences for children and youth which build upon youth interest and supports active engagement in enrichment activities.
- Activities support active engagement
- Youth have opportunities to set goals and make plans
- Youth have opportunities to make choices based on their interests
- Youth have opportunities to reflect
- Program offerings tap youth's interests to build multiple skills
- The organization supports academic enrichment
STANDARD FIVE: Family Outreach and Involvement
The afterschool program promotes positive communication with families and supports parental involvement in the educational experiences of children and youth.
- The organization supports positive communication with families
- The organization supports family involvement

If you are a participant of the Palm Beach County Quality Improvement System, please contact your quality advisor to receive a poster to hang in your program.