Attract Job Candidates & Retain Staff

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Share job opportunities on Prime Time’s social media

If your program is hiring and would like to list a position, please contact Prime Time’s communication specialist at with details.

Now more than ever, staffing is a top priority for afterschool programs in Palm Beach County and beyond.

Help attract qualified and committed afterschool professionals to your program by sharing this one-page document (PRINT) with potential candidates. The document shows Prime Time supports, offerings and incentives that candidates could potentially qualify when joining your program.

Let new and existing staff know that they can:

  • Expand their knowledge and be compensated for their time through Prime Time trainings.
  • Further their education with scholarships for Palm Beach State College and Florida Department of Children and Families courses.
  • Receive financial incentives from $100-$3,000 per year.

Schedule a Professional Development Presentation for Staff

Elisa Moro

Career Advisor and Registry Coach


  • PRINT this document to include in your outreach materials and conversations with potential candidates. Candidates can then visit to learn more.
  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting or staff presentation to learn about the Prime Time OST Registry, trainings, scholarships, and incentives to help in your hiring and retainment process.
  • Use the Afterschool Alliance’s Staff Recruitment Toolkit! This collection of materials is designed to help program providers recruit and hire new staff. Includes outreach strategies, messages, and easy-to-tailor flyers and graphics.
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