Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics is Happening in Out-of-School Time Programs Across Palm Beach County

Prime Time has officially launched its STEAM training series for the fall where practitioners from out-of-school time (OST) programs across Palm Beach County are learning and practicing facilitating engaging activities that explore the worlds of science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). This series boosts practitioners’ confidence in science knowledge and ability to demonstrate activities that link youth development strategies and intentional STEAM learning opportunities in their program that is easy and effective.

STEAM cohort members from Orthodox Zion Child Development Center (see gallery below) were in STEAM action during their no-school day. Youth were on-site for not just a camp day but to practice their STEAM skills with OST practitioners Ms. Empris Jones, Ms. Sheketa Dolphy and Mr. David Brown.  Ms. Empris and her K-2 youth were working their engineering skills building structures with wooden Keva blocks and challenge cards to build sun images, bridges, and tall towers.  Ms. Sheketa and Mr. Brown lead grades 3-5 in an experiment building a lemon battery with lemons and copper wiring. The youth learned about electrodes and electrolytes and various types of energy. These STEAM cohort members are making STEAM a regular part of their OST activities.

After learning STEAM engagement activities at Prime Time’s training series, Lucas Navarette and Kayla Dunkley from City of West Palm Beach – South Olive Community Center take what they have learned and implement during the program’s Science Club.  Every Monday afternoon, youth in grades 1-5 are learning about STEAM. Through building bottle rockets with recycled water bottles and pencils, this experiment included vinegar and baking soda to make a chemical reaction to shoot off the rockets into the air. This is what quality out-of-school time is all about!