An afterschool professional since 2015, Sara Cabrera loves working in afterschool because she is able to incorporate creativity into learning, provide extra assistance for children and allow them to have a safe place. Sara has fond memories of the afterschool program she attended as a child.
“Afterschool was my favorite part of the day.”
– Sara Cabrera, Assistant Director, Timber Trace Elementary Afterschool Program
Employed as an afterschool counselor, Sara began taking classes in the youth development pathway by starting with the 40-Hour School Age Certification and then moved on to complete the Youth Development College Credit Certificate and Associate Degree in Human Services -Youth Development at Palm Beach State College.
“Taking these classes help in becoming the best version of yourself for the youth in your program.”
– Sara Cabrera

The courses helped her grow professionally as she advanced into a leadership position as the assistant director. Through the courses fully paid for by Prime Time, she is able to teach and apply what she learns and share and encourage other staff about the endless possibilities that can be done as a professional in this field. Her education has also benefited the program participants as she has been able to grow in her understanding and knowledge of youth development, such as the way they think, act and react.
Now pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services, Sara pays tribute to Prime Time:
“I personally want to thank Prime Time for making a college education possible for me. Thanks to them, I have graduated with my Associates Degree and entering into my Bachelor’s Degree. Prime Time has made so much possible for me and I, from the deepest part of my heart, thank them and everyone who helped me along the way. I have grown to make a lot of great friends, professionally, and love so many wonderful children.”
– Sara Cabrera, Assistant Director, Timber Trace Elementary Afterschool Program