Children attending New Hope Charities afterschool program learned the importance of modern space exploration through joint programs between NASA and Space X after reading Douglas Florian’s “Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars.” To engage in a fun, hands-on activity related to the book, youth had the opportunity to make homemade rocket and personal air supplies.

The Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County is an expanded learning opportunity provider, contracted by Prime Time Palm Beach County, which received significant funding from the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County, to enhance the learning in out-of-school time.
This activity is part of the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County’s Stories and STEM program, designed to excite children and youth about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), expand upon prior knowledge, promote curiosity, and help children learn essential cooperation and teamwork skills. Children learn that STEM involves more than just collecting facts; it is a way of thinking and exploring the world. Stories and STEM is where literacy and science meet! Each session, children engage in fun, hands-on activities related to a book and are introduced to creative minds, both famous and lesser-known, who can serve as role models to interest children in STEM careers.