Written by Elisa Moro, Career Advisor & Registry Coach, Prime Time Palm Beach County
Joeniseley Mathurin, afterschool director at Achievement Centers for Children and Families at Pine Grove Elementary School, is now a graduate of Palm Beach State College, earning a Youth Development College Credit Certificate and Associate Degree in Human Services-Youth Development. Joeniseley is continuing her path to a higher education with hopes of graduating this fall with a Bachelor’s Degree in Supervision and Management from Palm Beach State College.

Joeniseley began working for afterschool in 2015 after graduating from high school. She knew that she wanted to have a career working with children, but she just didn’t know exactly what path she wanted to take. Joeniseley found out about the youth development pathways offered at Palm Beach State College and Prime Time’s scholarship program and applied. She thought it would be a great experience to further understand the development of the children with who she works After taking a few classes, Joeniseley fell in love with the content and decided to continue her goal of a higher education. The classes began changing the way she worked with children; she has gained patience and an understanding that every child is different. As she continued her professional development goals, Joeniseley went from afterschool practitioner to now director!
Receiving her Associate’s Degree has required a lot of work and effort but she was dedicated to improving herself and the environment around her. The classes have provided opportunities for her to connect with many teachers, afterschool directors and children who have given her insight to how rewarding the out-of-school time field is.
Congratulations Joeniseley on your accomplishments! We are excited and motivated by your passion for the field, the youth and your constant desire to grow and learn! We are honored to be a part of your journey.