Written by Elisa Moro, Career Advisor & Registry Coach, Prime Time Palm Beach County
Working with youth is something Katie Wilke has always known she wanted to do. She has been working in the out-of-school time field for five years and loves watching the children grow into amazing people and being able to have a positive impact on them.

Director at West Gate Elementary Afterschool Program, Katie, decided to take classes in the youth development pathway at Palm Beach State College and utilized the scholarship program through Prime Time because she wanted to improve her skills. She started taking classes in 2016 and soon after, had obtained her Youth Development College Credit Certificate. She did not stop there, and continued to take classes towards her Associate Degree in Human Services-Youth Development. She recently completed this degree in the summer of 2018 and now feels confident that she has the knowledge and resources to be the best she can for the youth.
“The Achieve Program has benefited me because it keeps me on track to reach my goals of getting my Bachelor’s Degree and following the pathway.” – Katie Wilke
Additionally, these accomplishments have helped her to move up in the field, from her initial position of Counselor to Activity Leader, Assistant Director and now Director of an afterschool program!
Congratulations Katie on your many achievements, we are very proud of you and excited to see what comes next!