
1 2010 – 2011 Annual Report Spotlight on Learning 2 1 ยฉ Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc. Our Vision To be a leader in Palm Beach County and beyond in improving quality afterschool programming and setting the standards for afterschool professionals. Table of Contents Message from Prime Time Board of Directors Chair…………2 Message from […]

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Lights On Afterschool

[…] Lights on Afterschool October 22 A Celebration of Afterschool Programs Rising to the Moment Launched in October 2000,ย Lights On Afterschoolย is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families and communities. The effortย has become a hallmark of the afterschool movement and generates media coverage across the […]

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Session 2 – Sense of Place 6-8 (1)

[…] e:_________________________________________________ (t ell wh ere you found it ) Fift h lin e:________________________________________________ ___ (m ake a com m ent or qu est ion about it ) Exam ple: See what I found? A butterfly Flitting and glowing in the sunlight. Itโ€™s resting on a flower. I wonder how long it will stay? Submitted […]

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Practice Tips Mindfulness can help us understand, tolerate, and deal with emotions in healthy ways. We can alter habitual responses by pausing and then deliberately choosing how we want to act. W hen we are mindful, we recognize our thoughts and learn how our minds work, so we are better able to label and […]

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[…] the activities and new skills w e are teaching them in our programs. When young people feel that what theyโ€™re learning matters, and is relevant to their real lives, they are more engaged in activities โ€” which can help reduce instances of challenging behavior. 2 Here are a few quick tips to help young […]

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Budget Workshop 3-1-2022

[…] Services Council of Palm Beach County $3,277,172 20 Programs RFP Budget Allocation Program Budget as part of an Organizational Budget – center/resources –for -financial – management/pages/budgeting.aspx Questions? Allocation The components to consider for the program budget -program – costs -program -budget -allocation -template -resource/ Questions? This Photo by Unknown author is […]

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[…] that will help achieve the outcomes listed above. 4. Has your program been evaluated in the past? If so, what were the conclusions of the evaluation? Evaluation Questions in the Application American Institutes for Research (2015). Supporting social and emotional development through quality afterschool programs. Beyond the bell: Research to practice in the afterschool […]

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Prime Time Palm Beach Zoo Week 4 Lessons 1,2,3 6th-8th PDF

[…] help them identify animals or plants, since there are so many different types of organisms in the world. In a dichotomous key, you answer a series of questions to help you identify the organism. A dichotomous key is a tool that helps to identify an unknown organism. A dichotomous key is a series statements […]

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Prime Time Training Inspires Community Event Hosted by Youth

[…] project, interval check points, youth roles, and the culmination/reflection.โ€ฏย  Part two is the high point for me because practitioners present their projects to the whole group, ask group questions, and receive peer-to-peer feedback. A great deal of energy is created within part two, ideas are shared, and rich discussions are shared.โ€ฏย

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[…] quick tips to facilitate check -ins. 2 Bring participants together in a circle at the beginning of the program and ask them one or more of the questions below. You can also ask individual participants to come up with a fun question for your check -in. โ€ข What made you laugh this week or […]

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