About the Symposium
#AfterschoolSYM2022 #Emerge2022
On May 12-13, 2022, Prime Time Palm Beach County hosted its third annual Afterschool Symposium on a virtual platform. This year’s theme was Emerge: Reaching New Heights in Out-of-School Time. Prime Time hosts its Afterschool Symposium every year to celebrate the exemplary efforts of our local out-of-school time practitioners while offering professional development workshops that make long-lasting impacts on our community and children we serve.
A special thank you to the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County for making this event possible.
Workshops Are Now Available Below on Demand
Day Two Attendees Received Food Voucher
Day two of Prime Time's Afterschool Symposium has always included lunch, whether in-person or virtual, and this year will be no different. We recognized that our attendees located in western Palm Beach County had trouble receiving food with Uber Eats last year due to a lack in drivers. This year to ensure we make our event as inclusive as possible, we are making a greater effort to ensure your food voucher can be accessed.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
7:30 a.m. – Check-In
8:00 a.m. – Welcome & OST Recognition
8:45 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m. –
Professional Development Workshops
11:45 a.m. – Drawings & Closing
Friday, May 13, 2022
7:30 a.m. – Check-in
8:00 a.m. – Welcome
8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. –
Professional Development Workshops
11:30 a.m. – Keynote Speaker: Dr. Chantrise Sims-Holliman
12:30 p.m. – Advancing Afterschool Awards
Download Whova
The Afterschool Symposium in 2022 will be hosted on Whova.
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Chantrise Sims-Holliman,
CEO of Disturb the Universe, LLC, is an award-winning former educator turned motivational speaker and author best known for teaching others how to move mountains. Her message of hope and resilience transforms the lives of audiences worldwide, allowing them to triumph over fear and failure into a life of perpetual faith. Since becoming a partial paraplegic and bilateral amputee in 2018 at age 45, she has made it her life’s work to help women overcome the obstacles they find in their way. It’s not enough for others to just be inspired by all she has accomplished. It’s essential that they conquer their own obstacles, and so much more for themselves. Although it wasn’t planned or expected, Dr. Chantrise consciously chooses to use what others may have used as an excuse to throw in the towel as building blocks to her come back.
Learn more: https://drchantrise.com/
Ebook: https://adobe.ly/3wpHVAz
Promising Practices
Peer Panel
Nadege Ovilmar
Group Leader
For the Children, Barton Elementary Afterschool Program
Giancarlo Rivera Peña
FAU/Pine Jog Afterschool Program
Daniel Hudspeth
Afterschool Director
Seminole Trails Elementary Afterschool Program
Hear an engaging panel discussion and hear promising practices from your peers. Learn about their challenges and the solutions they have implemented that have proven to be successful in building authentic relationships and making lasting changes for youth. You will walk away with resources to implement these strategies in your program.
Believing the College Dream
Lori Auzier
Director of Outreach
Educational Credit Management Corporation
How To Chill:
Mindfulness with Teens
Erinn Beck
Co-Teacher & LMCH
High School Mindfulness Clubs
Kidsafe Foundation
Cherie Benjoseph, LCSW
Cofounder and Chief Program Officer
Expanding your Potential in the Youth Development Field
Luisa Brennan
Program Director, Early Care and Afterschool Programs
Palm Beach State College
What in the World are they Thinking?
Perrin Chick
MAINE Mathematics and Science Alliance
Culturally Responsive Practices
Natalie Colon
Director of Program Excellence
ExpandED Schools
Drowning Prevention Coalition
of Palm Beach County
Bambi Fanto
Drowning Prevention Coalition of Palm Beach County
Living Authentically
Kandace Freeman
Programs & Curriculum Manager
Inclusive Communities
Building Positive Program Culture
Nathan LeJeune
National Director of Training
Up2Us Sports
Expanding your Potential in the Youth Development Field
Elisa Moro
Career Advisor and Registry Coach
Prime Time Palm Beach County
Culturally Responsive Practices
Jacques Noisette
Director of Social and Emotional Learning
ExpandED Schools
The Empty Cup: Community Care for Youth Development Practitioners
Emily Nott
Director of Social and Emotional Learning
After School Matters
Promising Practices - Peer Panel
Nadege Ovilmar
Group Leader
For the Children at Barton Elementary
The Math Party:
Sing! Dance! Exercise! Learn!
Dr. Stephanie Pasley-Henry
Engagement Specialist
Step by Step Expressions, Inc.
Building Positive Program Culture
Thomas Padro
Assistant National Director of Training
Up2Us Sports
Promising Practices - Peer Panel
Giancarlo Rivera Peña
FAU/Pine Jog Afterschool
Cultivating Equity and Inclusion in Hiring and Staff Development
Angelica Portillo
Director of Advocacy and Workforce Initiatives
National Afterschool Association
EarthEcho International
Porsche Ray
EarthEcho Water Challenge Manager
EarthEcho International
How To Chill:
Mindfulness with Teens
Pablo del Real
Chair and Director of Mindfulness Programs
The Way Mindfulness Education
Rethinking Career Pathways: Leveraging
Entrepreneurship Education to Prepare Youth
Jennifer Smith
Youth Entreprenuership Specialist
Florida Afterschool Network
Oh Buoy! Tips to Teach Water Safety
Anna Stewart
Drowning Prevention Coalition of Palm Beach County
Expanding your Potential in the Youth Development Field
Nicole Tarsia
Professional Development Scholarship and Incentives Specialist
Prime Time Palm Beach County
Becoming Culturally Aware, Ethical
and a Sound Communicator
Tessie Watts
CEO/Leadership Consultant
The Leadership Haven Resource Center LLC
Unexamined Ideologies of Poverty
and Winning with Community Cultural Wealth
Dr. Inika Pierre Williams
Understanding the Current Situation from a Mental Health Perspective
Jamaal Williams
Assistant Director of Training
PEAR, INC. (Partnerships in Education and Resilience)
Advancing Afterschool Awards 2022
Prime Time’s Advancing Afterschool Awards honor exemplary individuals for their work in the field of afterschool. On May 13, 2022, award recipients were recognized for their commitment to quality standards, dedication to the children they serve and their contributions to the afterschool field. Thank you for your nominations.
Award Categories
Surpassing All Limits in Expanded Learning Award
An individual ELO professional who excels in providing high-quality, challenging learning experiences in the following areas: Supporting School-day Academic Learning, Caring for the Whole Child, Discovering Arts and Culture, Leadership and Career Pathways and Exploring Technology.
- Celina Jean, Lake Park Elementary Afterschool Program
- Cheri Rosen, Freedom Shores Elementary Afterschool Program
- Karen Braunstein, Young Singers of the Palm Beaches
- Lacey McClure, Green Mouse Academy
- Lucy Dwyer, Young Singers of the Palm Beaches
- Melanie Seewaldt de Langhoff, Young Singers of the Palm Beaches
- Sulma Rodriguez, The Guatemalan Maya Center Inc. – Highland
Building Bridges Together Community Award
A supporter of the afterschool field who is not employed by an afterschool program. An individual who provides support and services, or advocates for children in the out-of-school time hours. An individual volunteer who supports the OST program. Community service organizations, such as Palm Beach County Youth Services Department, Children’s Service Council of Palm Beach County, Children’s Service Council of Martin County, United Way, Kiwanis, Rotary elected officials and faith-based entities are eligible.
- Cecelia Richmond, Orthodox Zion Child Development Center
- Daniel Hudspeth, Seminole Trails Elementary Afterschool Program
- Robert & Carol Glasser, City of Greenacres
- Shawn Ho-hing-King, Talented Teen Club
Kindness Connection Award
An OST practitioner who has created an environment in which youth develop the positive social and emotional skills needed to manage their emotions and has established positive and rewarding relationships and shown kindness with others.
- Diedre Welch, Orthodox Zion Child Development Center
- Jahaira Olivares, Renaissance Charter School at Wellington
- Sara Demar, Rolling Green Elementary Afterschool Program
- Tracy Greene, Renaissance Charter School at Wellington
Conquering Mount Everest OST Leadership Award
Afterschool director or any individual who supervises/oversees school-age programming and frontline staff, who excels in fostering high quality within his/her/their program. Has shown extraordinary dedication, such as covering multiple roles and responsibilities, creating new policies and schedules, providing and supporting additional services such as food distribution and health resources to youth, their families and the community.
Championing Inclusion Award
An OST practitioner who practices or provides equal access to opportunities and resources to individuals who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who are differently abled individuals or members of other minority groups.
- Janetta Cochran, Orthodox Zion Child Development Center
- Michelle Pinto, Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches / Project Grow
- Olivia Rogers, School District of Palm Beach County
Breakthrough to Excellence Frontline Staff Award
A frontline staff member (instructor, group leader, activity leader, assistant or aide) who demonstrates extraordinary dedication to positive youth development.
What is SEL?
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others...
First Name Last Name
Organization Name
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Phasellus tincidunt risus a ante ullamcorper elementum. In non lacus non ligula hendrerit sodales. Donec pharetra, tincidunt elementum tellus eu porta sollicitudin, erat est cursus eros, vel commodo.
Community Champion
Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County
Community Leader
Palm Beach County Youth Services Department
Have questions regarding Prime Time's Afterschool Symposium 2022?
Contact Luisa Vincent, Community Partnerships Specialist, Prime Time Palm Beach County
Email: lvincent@primetimepbc.org
Phone: 561-600-9538